gathers customer and client contact information as needed exclusively for legitimate & transparent business purposes
primarily in promoting estate sales & personal property appraisals. Our business generates income by providing various
in-home services and through selling tangible merchandise & services, not private information.
We absolutely will not sell or share your
personal information with any other individual, entity, group, organization, or company for any reason without your
express written consent. As we would not want you to misuse our information we will not misuse yours.
We retain minimal amounts of private information,
take reasonable measures to secure it and promptly destroy what is not needed. We actively collect e-mail addresses
and/or phone numbers of customers interested in upcoming sale events, who have requested notification.
We send no spam e-mails, texts or any other solicitations beyond a single e-mail notice prior to each of our Estate Sale
events. To further protect your privacy we use the "bcc" or blind carbon copy feature when sending out our sale
e-mail notices. If at any time you wish to be removed from our Sale Notice List, please e-mail your intent and we will
promptly comply.
Please "Contact Us" with any concerns or questions.